
Come to Melbourne

Melbourne Sunset

You may like the football
Aussie rules off course
You may enjoy the weather
Even its endless changing
But you cannot come to Melbourne
If you cannot drink coffee
You may love the performing Arts
Or catch a world known show
You may try your hand at finding gold
Or escape a dangerous bushranger
But you cannot come to Melbourne
If you cannot drink coffee
There are many reasons
For you to come
Maybe pleasure, sport, or fun
But you must remember
You cannot come to Melbourne
If you cannot drink coffee

Let Us Honour The Ones Who Came Back

We stand at drawn in the dark on this day
To come to remember those who have fallen
Tell stories of battles and where they lay
Voices, we hear the soldiers calling

Talk of bravery and of their mateship
They gave, so we could live our lives in peace
An eternal bond was their comradeship
Their sense of duty that will never cease

But let us remember the ones who came back
For all those who have not fallen as yet
Please don’t let them fall thought the ageing crack
For their service to us we can’t forget

So long as these diggers can breathe the air
Let us all honour and show we still care